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Tower of Fantasy Global Community Events
by JoaTMoN Online


This website is not, in any way or form, affiliated to Tower of Fantasy, Level Infinite, Tencent, or Hotta Studios. Events hosted by the organiser of this website is, by no means or form, an official event, or officially recognised event by the Developer or Publisher of this game. We are an independent event organiser that is not related or affiliated to the Developer or the Publisher of the game.

That being said, any form of recognition, sponsorship, or even advertisement would be greatly appreciated.

Wanderers join our events at their own discretion. We will however, do everything within our limits, to create a fun and enjoyable event, and try to prevent any issue that may arise. But do understand we are limited in what we can do. Do your part too and be a pleasant player so others can enjoy it too. We do not scam, cheat, or rig our events. If there is any miscommunication or misunderstanding, please contact our event host directly, and not get the Developers or Publishers involved. We will contact ToF Support on our side if any help further is required.

Event hosts, and their discord links, will be listed on each individual event page.

Lastly, we are all here to have fun. Please do not make things difficult for us, else we may stop doing events altogether. No one wins.

Contact Us

If you face any issues, please contact us on Discord. You can contact the respective event organisers stated in the Event Details or Event Rules sections. You also can contact JoaTMoN for any issues with the website's functionalities.

Alternatively, if you do not have Discord, you can contact us here. We will try to get back to you within 72 hours. Do check your email for our responses.